Friday, July 30, 2010

History of Women in Redwork

I just finished embroidering a block for the redwork "History of Women" quilt I am making for myself. This block is a profile of Susan B. Anthony in an oval... so it kind of looks like a cameo & a banner with the years of her birth & death (1820-1906). Susan B. is one of my favorite suffragists. I realize she is one of the most famous, if not THE most famous... I have read a number of biographies on her. She even lived much of her childhood here in my hometown.

My redwork design of a favorite suffragist

Books for young readers include:
Susan B. Anthony by Stephanie McPherson- ISBN 9780822566861
Susan B. Anthony: Fighter for Women's Rights by Deborah Hopkinson- ISBN 9780689869099
Susan B. Anthony: Fighter for Freedom & Equailty by Suzanne Slade- ISBN 9781404831049
Susan B. Anthony: Champion of Women's Rights by Helen Monsell- ISBN 9780820418009

Books for adults include:
Sisters: The Lives of America's Suffragists by Jean H. Baker- ISBN 9780809087037
Failure Is Impossible by Lynn Sherr- ISBN 9780812927184
Susan B. Anthony: A Biography by Kathleen Barry- ISBN 9781587210099
The Trial of Susan B. Anthony- ISBN 9781591020998